Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Character Back Story

Character Back Story
I looked at Leonardo Dicaprio in the Revenant for an example. 
In the Revenant we don't get much in the way of character progression in a literal form most of it is hidden within expressions and reactions to things that happen. We get the feeling that he is loyal and honest with a history that is frowned upon his fellow workers as we learn that he has a half native and half white American son which is not accepted by some of his associates. then later on in the film we find out that his wife/partner was killed by a raiding of an Indian camp, giving him seem very dark and there fore quiet.

I then looked at Tom Hardy's character in the Revenant also. His character seems very selfish and is very concerned about being killed so he is always on edge then after he has abandoned Dicaprio and his son he then is on edge from being found out about what he has done. we have no real idea of what his past is but we can assume that he has been done over by Indians before at which struggles to trust them and anyone for that matter.

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