Storyboard Analysis
For my storyboard I have decided to keep it fairly simple, so on the images there is not much detail, but just outlines of characters and backgrounds. I have decided to have five of each type of move, so 5 stances, 5 blocks, 5 attacks and 5 kicks. At the start I have put a couple of title scenes and some other facts that you have to learn, like by who and when was TKD formed. At the end of the storyboard I have briefly drawn a scene of a competition fight as the credits role this has all ready been recorded at the last competition I did.
I have allocated set amounts of time for each shot/scene however, I am taking them with 'a grain of salt' as there maybe a little fluctuation in each of the shots as some may be a little longer than what is written depending on how quick I can say the dialogue whilst still making sense and not leaving the details out. On page one there is a shot that I have put the infinity sign and said however much time is needed as I do not know how long that shot will be, but I have a feeling it will be between 20 and 30 seconds which may mean that the video is longer than the intended 5 minuets, this is not much of a problem as projects adapt ,I do know if this was a TV show there would not be the possibility of doing this.
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Page 7: I have forgotten to put the time needed for the final box but i will be between 5 and 10 seconds.
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