Monday, 8 May 2017

Animation Process

Animation Process
The animation process in quite simple in that it is essentially drawing a few pictures one after the other and then the computer will animate them to one another accordingly . There might need to be a bit of tweaking as I found out when putting it all together.

The first step is to open up Animate:

Then I click on HTML canvas which gives me the basic animation format to work with:

The next step is to import my back ground:
I do so by opening up animate and the file window that the background is in and drag and drop over the main screen in animate,  the computer automatically makes a layer with the background on.  You do have to zoom in or shrink the background so that it fits the frame.

My next step, was to create another layer and start to draw the first position the character would be in, I used the videos that I recorded as reference to get proportions and positions right.
This was the layout that I was using to work with.

I  proceeded to do postilion by positions and frame by frame, leaving about five frames between the first and second drawing and the same all the way thought to the end of the animation.

Finally to finish off each animation I would make all the frames turn in to 'Classic Tweens' just to make the scenes smoothen out.

Some did not turn out too great once I applied the Tween so, I had   to go back and select the part that did not look too great, and convert them to a frame by frame animation, and then adjust each frame one at a time, which made them a little more tedious but meant the it looked better. This operation was quite time consuming too.

Then all I need to do is export.

I did see a massive difference between the first and last animation that I made, which shows how I progressed, and how my skills have improved. drawing wise and animation wise. Saying that if I had time I would go back and redo the first few animations that I made at home at the beginning, purely because they look so bad compared to what I have made now, however it does give a good topic to talk about in my final evaluation and self assessment.

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