Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Decision Final Evaluation

The Decision Final Evaluation
I was fairly pleased with my final result of The Decision however if i could go back and do it again i would make some major changes, for example i would spend more time experimenting and finding more suitable locations to shoot like a proper classroom of some sorts in stead of a dark drama studio, leading me on to the next change i would do and that is lighting i would add more lighting the video as in the room i filmed it was very dark which helped give a feeling of it being very serious but it would of been good to have the option of more lighting that i could control. Another thing i would change is to get the props i need i.e. a computer instead of making do and using a phone, as in most of the shots were there is typing on the phone there was originally meant to be a computer.

Now going on to blogs and pre-production stuff, if i had the chance to do it all again, i would focus on recording and taking photos of what i did lesson by lesson and write down more detail in each of the blogs and add photos to help visualise what i did. i would also spend more time creating the storyboard and concept art.

Overall i am not happy with the amount of work i ended up as when i was making it i thought i had made at least double what i actually have as i put lots of effort in to making what i have but now looking back on it i should of done more. this is good experience though and i now know how much work i need to do, i feel that i have learned from this. I also know now that i need to evaluate more on all of my work and explain what is bad and what is good.

I underestimated the amount of pre production work that needs to be done but at least i now know that i the amount of work i think i need to do i should just double or even triple the amount and do the same with the amount of detail. 

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