1. Retro Script is a typeface that is largely used in advertising, as it is very bold towards the centre of the letters and then sharply thins down towards the edges whilst maintaining a strong curvature to the whole thing. it tends to work well with bright colours and brands as it gives of a fun and flirtatious feel.
The Red Socks along with many other baseball teams use Retro Script as when the teams were formed it was the new craze to have this vibrant and exciting font in there brand.
Coors Light is also a brand that has decided to use Retro Script as it brings a fun and exhilarating feel to the brand.
There are many other brands that use this font as there brand for the same reason as the last two. For example:
2. Typeface is the design of the alphabet--the shape of the letters that make up the typestyle. The letters, numbers, and symbols that make up a design of type. So when you say “Arial” or “Goudy” you're talking about a set of letters in a specific style. Font: is the digital file that contains/describes the typeface.
3. serif faces have little squiggles on the ends of the characters and sans-serif does not have the squiggles
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