Thursday, 23 March 2017

Animation Experimentation

Animation Experimentation
I wanted to look at different types of animation techniques, But, I found a way of animating that I think will be the best to use. Basically, I start off with importing the background that I want in to animate I then draw or import the other layers that I want in the animation weather it be a character or a foreground or mid ground piece I then set a key frame further down the time line and adjust each of the layers to what I want them to end up as then I create a classic tween between the key frames I did try a motion tween and a frame by frame animation, but, they didn't work or look right. The finished product makes the scene look as if it is moving and alive, when, in actual fact it is just still images this technique is used a lot in animate.

I then experimented with different speeds and angles of this technique and I think that each serves a different situation so I will probably use lots of different ones for different scenes.

I then looked at how I wanted to animate the character, I first looked at using bones to animate them, which I think will work rather well, the only thing is that when the arms cross over each other they go invisible loosing the immersion. So, I am going to do a little more research to see if there is a way of getting rid of it, and then I will use the bones. However, I will at the moment be animating them frame by frame, which will take longer but , will guarantee a good outcome. 

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