Thursday, 16 March 2017

FMP Research

FMP Research 
For the majority, my research is from one source the 'TAGB Taekwondo student handbook'. I'm using this as my main research source because it is what my whole piece is based around so all of my film/animation will be referencing it. 

I have done some primary research in the form of asking questions to my intended audience (other Taekwondo students). I asked them weather what i am making would be beneficial for them? which the majority said that it would. Then asked what parts of the theory would be helpful? I got a lot of answers saying to focus on the main basic moves up to red belt including the big chunk of theory at the start of the TAGB handbook that mentions key dates and expressions. I then asked how long they feel i should spend on each move/theory? they said between 15-20 seconds so roughly adding it up my final piece may be longer than intended but that is no big deal just some extra work. I asked a total 7 people so i got a fairly wide opinion which was mainly positive. One of the more specific questions i asked was is 5 moves for each categories enough or would it be a good idea to do more? about 5 of the answers were that it would be enough as long as their the easier ones to remember as the instructors are not given a book to read out of when asking the question there having to remember them them selves. 

I have also carried out some other secondary research in the form of on line sources such as Adobe Forums and Youtube tutorials. I have used these to find out how to make certain effects and techniques that i want to implement in to my final piece such as freeze frames and using After effects.

I have also put some research into looking at different clips/animations and I have figured out how I want to transition between live action and animation. There is an effect that i have seen in other clips were the transition between shots/scenes is a wave of smoke, I have not yet learnt how to do make this effect my self but with a little more research I can easily do so. I have also seen in animes that they use a very simple style of animation that i'm certain would be best for this project as it means it will save time. Their animations simply have a number of layers a background a fore ground maybe a mid ground and then the character, the layers are moved very slowly in different directions to give the effect that the camera is moving and the world is alive even tho it is not. this type of animation is good as you only have to focus on the characters movements which don't need to look as realistic because otherwise it would not match the rest of the scenes animation with it being very subtle and slow.

I finally researched in to similar videos online that are doing the same thing that mine is aiming to do however i have not found one exactly similar as there are no Tae-kwon Do videos that use both physical film and animations however there are some that only use physical film but none with animation, also these films don't over theory but only cover the moves and how to perform them which comparing to what i am proposing is only half of what i am doing and i feel that my video will help people a lot more as most know how to perform the moves but not the theory behind them that we need to know for our gradings.
Here is just one example of what I am talking about:

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