Monday, 27 March 2017

Project Management Techniques

Project Management Techniques
For my project I wanted to plan week by week and lesson by lesson what I was going to do so I started off by writing out in my sketch book dates of each lesson, and then writing what I was going to do in the said lesson, I would then tick it off , when that task is done. for example: 
16th march
figure out what types of research
assignment 2 (2) blog about research

I have done this for each step of my FMP allocating the amount of time I will need for each task as some require more time than others, like writing/drawing my story board. I have allocated two days to do so, and a week end at home. As I know that to get it right and looking professional, not rushed is important. As my script and whole project will be based around it so it needs to be done with enough time to get it right.

I then wrote up my plan in a spreadsheet using google sheets so that it looked neater and more organised, so that other people could read it. I also used green red and orange to tell me if it has been done to deadline and weather it is done at all. Now the tasks don't have to be finished to be green as I may go back to them and improve somethings a little later as I have allocated a week were it is to finish off things if I am behind or to improve upon them.
Here is a screen shot of the sheet:

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